Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement

Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement

NISEC II has a Programme PPIE Panel that includes public members and the PPIE Leads from each of the seven NISEC research centres. This panel supports the Steering Committee and Research Centres.

Two-way communication and learning ensure that Community Engagement and public involvement influences decision making and promotes the inclusion of underrepresented communities in NISEC vaccinations trials & policy.

Our Aims

We aim to:

Our activities

We have seven key tasks that support the NISEC teams to improve their inclusion and public involvement practices.

  1. Create a Programme PPIE Panel to provide guidance and support to research teams. Our 11 panel members are a diverse group of people from across the UK.  We recruited our members through our Research Centres and our networks in the Centre for Ethnic research in Leicester.
  2. Support research teams to increase the diversity of study participants. Our research centres have committed to using equality impact assessments, supported by the Centre for Ethnic Health Research in Leicester.  This approach helps researchers understand how to improve the inclusion of communities and individuals who do not usually engage with research.  Our projects also use equality monitoring of participants to help researchers understand how inclusive their recruitment is.
  3. Support research teams to increase the diversity of their PPIE panels. We are working with our research Centres to understand how they work with the public when making decisions about their research.  On the 29th January 2025 we are holding a PPIE event as part of a face to face steering group meeting in Oxford.  Our research teams and public contributors will explore how we currently work with the public and see where we might improve by learning from each other.
  4. Provide training for research staff and public members. Team members from each of the 7 NISEC Centres have been offered places on the Cultural Competence training offered by the Centre for Ethnic Health Research. 
  5. Generate evidence of PPIE impact within NISEC research. We are currently planning how we will collect evidence of PPIE impact within our Centres and projects.
  6. Communicate with stakeholders. We are currently planning our communication approach.
  7. Engage with communities to understand the barriers to participation in vaccine research, the GRACE project.

Contact the PPIE Team


For more information about the NISEC PPIE team please contact:



The GRACE project will engage with underserved communities to understand why some people are reluctant to participate in vaccines research. 


The PPIE Team Members

Ravinder Kundra

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Shah Jalal

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Sham Mistry

I live in Leicester and work in the private sector, providing Artificial intelligence software for Cancer Diagnostics to the NHS, Academia and Research centres.

I also volunteer for “Apnapan” a locally based cancer support group


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Atreya Ramanan

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Monira Chowdry

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Michal Chantowski

My involvement in this project dates back to early 2024. I am driven by my passion for ensuring all voices are heard, and all needs considered when services, including health are designed. I have been selected to represent the Oxford Vaccine Centre (at the University of Oxford) at NISEC II , and I am pleased to contribute to this project, which has the potential to save lives, and help people to enjoy better health.

I also build on experience of Public and Patient Involvement work, gained through Research Support Service and Newcastle University, dating back to 2022, the NIHR Academy, as well as the experience of co-producing the NICE 2016 Community Engagement in Health guidance.

I am based in Sunderland and work for the International Community Organisation of Sunderland (ICOS), which supports migrants inthe North East of England, including Eastern Europeans and refugees. In this line of work, I utilise my experience of working with minority ethnic and migrant communities, including the Eastern European community in the voluntary and community sector, dating back to 2009.

As a migrant living in the UK, I use my personal experience of migration when delivering my community work, including PPI.


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Deanna Rex

My name is Dee and I am a proud mummy to a gorgeous 2 year old boy. I work as a Research Practitioner so research is a massive passion of mine, I am thrilled to be have given the opportunity to work as a public contributor on such an important project and can’t wait to get stuck in.

Rashmi Kumar

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Amna Rehman

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Nasima Miah

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Christine Smith

I am the PPIE Lead for NISEC II.  I am a PPIE consultant with over 20 years of hands-on experience of health and care research, public involvement, programme management and research impact in the NHS and academia.